Clubs are often the glue that holds a school together. They often meld academics with our personal interests. Here at Seton Hall Prep, we are privileged to have over eighty clubs and programs. Recently, I had the chance to sit down with Mr. Durning ’06 the Activities Director here at The Prep. During this interview, Mr. Durning provided lots of information about how the different clubs this year are running.
First, I asked Mr. Durning how this year’s Activities Fair went. The Seton Hall Prep Activities Fair is usually held at the beginning of each academic school year and provides a place where students can check out the clubs they are interested in and sign up. Mr. Durning said that this year’s Activities Fair was a success and was the biggest ever. Also, he was happy with the student attendance at the fair and how the students represented new clubs. He said that he would not really change anything and that he thinks the Activities Fair being chaotic and crazy is great since this event is hyped up. Next, I asked Mr. Durning if there were any new clubs introduced this school year. Mr. Durning pulled out a list of all the new clubs, including the Fantasy Sports Club, the Food Enthusiasts Club, the Martial Arts Study Club, the Health and Nutrition Club, and so many more! He explained how some of these clubs have existed in the past and how students are now restarting some of these.
But what makes a club successful at SHP? In Mr. Durning’s eyes the key to having a successful club is to have a group of people who are passionate about their club and what they are doing. If they impact the school in a positive way and learn about their passion, that makes for a successful club here at The Prep. In addition, he also feels that meeting regularly makes for a successful club as does meeting others who share the same passion. So far this year, Mr. Durning feels the clubs are running smoothly, but he does not feel as good about how much they are meeting. Regardless, he is finding the level of involvement incredibly good.
I asked Mr. Durning what advice he would give to the club leaders so that their club is fun and successful. He says that organization and communication are especially important. Since students are busy with academics, sports, extra curriculars, service, and more, they need to know when there is a club meeting. Lastly, the club leader needs to be highly organized.
In conclusion, Mr. Durning provided some valuable information on the clubs and programs here at The Prep and even shared what some of his favorite clubs were at The Prep when he was a student. Fun fact: it was The Pirate newspaper! He is excited for what this year holds for clubs and activities at The Prep and is eager to see what the clubs will accomplish this school year.